A great diary of a full time designer of primitive, antiquelike old cloth dolls and such from the heart of a child. Lots of great new designs for sale along with giveaways and tips. Be sure to stop by and leave a comment or two. Look forward to meeting new people around the world!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Mustardseed's Back on Ebay!
I don't know how many of you know that I used to sell on Ebay in the early 2000's up till a few years ago when it started going south.
Us girls at TDIPT Mercantile HERE decided to do a "Best of Show" group launch and I decided, what the heck, I'd give it a try. So I created "Sam Celebrating the 4th of July". I didn't realize how I had forgotten how to list. My goodness, it took me a few hours just to get it listed. What's even worse, is that the templates I had purchased back then don't work because the folks that made them were hosting them and no longer doing that. UGGHH So I have to go revamp them all. Meanwhile I purchased a template from Deb at Deb's Lost Treasures Here and she was nice enough to get it to me ASAP. I'd highly recommend her to anyone looking for some graphics or templates. OUTSTANDING SERVICE!!
If you'd like to follow him, he has 2 days till he goes off, CLICK HERE
He had a reserve, which has been met and the bidders have been very gracious in their bidding.I just might have to list some more items.
On another note, check out my friend Jane's ebay listing "Nothing Plain by Jane"HERE Awesome listing huh?
It's summer and that means it's time to gear up for the fall season designs. My all time favorite things to create besides Americana.
I've also been working on catching up with my orders. That always feels good to have them completed. Watch for new listings and happenings at Mustard Seed Originals soon. Be sure to sign up to be notified when I have new designs by clicking HERE and I'll get you added. Meanwhile take a browse around my website HERE
Have fun in the sun!
Blessings to you
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Getting Old, a New Do and Dogs & Cats, Oh My!!!
My girls thought that something had to happen like fireworks going off and they are FREE. HA, boy were they wrong! It seems once you pass 18 it's all downhill after that, right? The years seem to fly by after that and then all of a sudden you wake up and realize you're 57, 3 short years from the big 6-0. OMG it seems so old just saying those numbers. I don't really feel that old, well my soul doesn't but my body might disagree.
Now, getting to my point...I had lasix surgery in 2003 and that was wonderful I could actually see in the distance without contacts or glasses. Now, that was FREEDOMMMM baby! Before I had the surgery my up close vision was great. But immediately after I had the Lasix, I couldn't even thread a needle without readers. Speed up to 2010 and I can't even see my typing on the computer screen.So that told me something really bad was wrong.
So to the eye doc I go and find out just how bad my vision is. Farsighted in both eyes with astigmatism and near sighted as well! A double whammy!!! Boy did that hit me like a ton of bricks! But in some respects it doesn't surprise me.
My next appt. will be to get a hearing test. It seems that fibromylagia recks havoc on the eyes and the ears. I wondered what was going on when I was typing and then had double vision..I just attributed it to a side effect of Lyrica. Cuz when I start to have a flareup I get all dizzy, and really have a hard time hearing. It seems to get better after it's over. But I notice I am asking what was said alot lately. That's just another sign of getting old. Is there a way to avoid that? If anyone knows of a way, please let me know. I'll clue you in when I get my hearing checked and if I need a hearing aid.
So I proceeded to pick me out a fancy pair of frames at a hefty price tag as well and getting bifocals without the line. So it's back to glasses again. They've been haunting me ever since the 9th grade. I've finally surrendered. Glasses won.
On another note, I don't consider myself picky, unless you are my hairstylist. It's an art to be able to cut hair, agree? With that in mind and after years of seeking someone who has the true talent of haircutting, instead of putting their hairstyle on you or giving you the most popular style out there. After all, the cost these days is hefty so I expect a decent do. Well today was the day. I hardly ever take time to fancy myself up, but today was an exception. A brand new shop open less than a year moved in my neighborhood and I decided I was going to see if they take walk ins and chat with the stylists for awhile.
Knowing what I want and not taking any photos of movie stars, I told them what I wanted on the top, sides, bottom, sideburns and even how I want it cut. All the young stylists joined in the mission to find just my style in their books. So we disected the bangs from one and the sides from another etc.
The more knowledgeable stylist there cut my hair. OMG I got a perfect cut!! That cut I have been seeking for years right in my own backyard and for a decent price! I'm not letting her go. I'll share my style later as I don't have any photos currently.
So then on my agenda was to take my sweet Molly (6 yr old chihuahua) to the vet to catch her up on shots. This is something I share with my 4 year old grandson, Jayden. He loves to go with me and see all the animals. Molly is caught up till next year and my mind is at ease. And better yet, my husband loves my new style. Of course he always loved me in short hair. So all is well in my world. I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
How's everyone been?
I've been very busy the last few months, not that I'm not always busy, but I guess you could say it's a good thing. There's lots of news regarding Mustard Seed Originals.
First off, allow me to share my newest offering in Create and Decorate magazine HERE

I love the way he turned out. If you don't have a subscription I hear the magazine won't be hitting the shelves until June 15th, but the pattern for this patriotic guy is included and so are 75 other great projects. You'll be glad you purchased it.
They also did a write up on my business on page 54 with several of my designs. Judi did a great job on it. Let me know what you think, will you? It's always nice to get feedback. I'm also selling a new pattern called "Boos Brother" for fall in my ad on page 15. It will be listed under patterns next week on my website so you can get an early start on those fall/halloween designs.
Onto another subject, is it just my imagination, but does it seem that folks aren't blogging much lately? I kind of think most people are doing the facebook thing and the blogs are on the back burner. What's your thinking on this?
TDIPT's June's issue is up for browsing. I've already sold the Parade Watchers but "Saluting the Brave"

is still available along with

"Mr.Moon N Kitty" an early halloween paperclay design, all handformed~no molds used~ design. Of course both are original and one of a kind and closeups can be seen HERE .
That's all for today, be safe and have fun whatever you do