Also I would like to ask everyone to pray for my grandson's father. His name is Eric Brown and he's been in the Army for about 8 years now or more, most recently on his second tour of duty in Iraq.
He developed something in his left hand that caused it to hurt. He had several surgeries there in Iraq for it. Most recently, he was to go back to the line when he decided to see the medic before returning, since it was still hurting. They immediately admitted him and he was told he would be having more surgery.
When he awakened he found himself in Germany having surgery to which they transferred him to Walter Reed in Washington DC. They are not sure what has happened but his hand is severly swollen and they have drainage tubes in it now. Perhaps something that the Iraq used to fight the soldiers or else a bug bite or whatever.
I would love for him to be showered with the prayers of everyone who reads this. I know the Lord is the ultimate healer. Please keep Eric in your daily prayers for me and Bryson, my 11 year old grandson who is very worried about his father. We'd appreciate it :-)