Have you made your resolutions and already broke them? For me, so far, so good. One of mine is to take time to cook. Well I should say, take time to make food and freeze it for when I'm not feeing like cooking (ALL THE TIME!!) If there was anything I could have, I would definitely hire a fulltime cook.
You see, I raised 5 children and that's alot of cooking. What is it with these kids nowadays. My two youngest would eat just about anything I prepared except a few things such as broccoli and sweet potatoes. They used to love tacos, sloppy joes, lasagna. But in their older years they snub their noses at these dishes. Of course, they'd much rather have fast food. So who wants to cook anymore? You can't compete with Del Taco or pizza!
Anyways, getting back to my resolution. I feel really bad when I haven't fixed dinner and in walks hubby very hungry..then the stress builds..not that he minds or complains, that's part of the problem..he doesn't. But I just get a really bad feeling that I'm letting him down. You see he will do anything but cook! He hates cooking. So I figured if I could take a day here and there and make some dishes that freeze well, then half the battle is won. I mean who wants to start dinner when you're in the middle of dressing a doll or putting on her face?I'm currently working on designs for The Primitive Gathering. My new designs for PFATT Marketplace are all finished. Time to gear up for Easter and bunnies, chicks and eggs.
Btw have you seen my new designs on Simply Primitives? Well here's a look for you.You probably remember this little girl...

Isn't she adorable? She even wears a brownie beanie just like the one we wore!! Talk about memories!! Then how about this one

I will be having a new ad out in Create and Decorates Spring issue which should be hitting the shelves real soon if not already. I have a set of Presidents, George and Abe in pattern form to order. So if you see it and are interested in purchasing the pattern, just email me through my website HERE and let me know. I will post a photo here in a few days and actually have it on my website for purchase as well.
If you'd like to know when I have new designs available, be sure to sign up for my mailing list on my website too.
That's about it tonight.If you're having snow, enjoy it because there's always someone (like ME) that doesn't and would change places with you in a heartbeat!!