Have you visited my Etsy page lately? I've added some adorable springtime Rabbits. I am thoroughly enjoying creating these critters and bringing them to life.
My newest one, Bonnie Belle, is dressed in a blue outfit perfect for this season!

She has her pet Swan, "Darla", which is not permanently attached. Here's a closeup of Bonnie's darling face, how can you resist her?

Here's a darlin chick..."Cluck" is her name and she's on my PFATT page I just adore her

Here's a closeup of her darlin face ...

Well that's enough eye candy for now. Be sure to check out all my Etsy designs HERE.
I've been busy with some deadlines and trying to get some new Americana dolls made too. My studio is a mess. I'm the worse organizer in the world. I'm going to have to break it down into sections as it's overwhelming at this point. I need to majorly downsize too.
You might recall awhile back I asked for prayer for my daughter's court actions regarding our grandson. Well many months have passed and we are hopefully coming to a close in regard as to weather she will be allowed to move with us to Arizona.
Once again I am asking that everyone pray that we have a favorable outcome this Friday when we go to court. Our evaluator has been less than pleasant to work with. These people that the court hires to evaluate the children and parents ..well our's anyway is such a joke!! The cost is astronomically high for the very little time that they even evaluate any of them!! I pray that this will all be overwith this weekend, once and for all and we, at last, will know our direction our life will be going forward. I hate being in limbo.
I'd like to share a blog with everyone that has become of interest to me. I found it while searching out online information regarding fibromyalgia. Selena at OH MY ACHES AND PAINS is participating in a Break Cancer project to raise awareness of the issues facing young adults with cancer. It is a program that was started by Lance Armstrong. Stop by her blog between 12 midnight to 11:59 pm PDT on Friday, April 22, and leave a small comment to support them.
Have you seen the new "Prim Nest" shopping site where there's a bunch of talented primitive artists selling their wares? Check it out HERE If you haven't seen it yet, take some time to check it out when you find some time.
Do you think facebook has taken alot of people away from blogging? Or blogsurfing? I don't get to read as many blogs as I'd like as there never seems to be enough time at the end of the evening.
Hope Spring is in your neck of the woods, and have fun tiptoeing through the tulips :-)